Posts Tagged: the centre of complementary medicine

Healing the Web of Life Journey Circle – 26 May 2024

Healing the Web of Life Journey Circle

Step into your shared responsibility as a Guardian of the Earth and Caretaker of the Web of Life at our next meeting on

Sunday 26th May 2024
14:30 to 16:30

The Centre of Complementary Medicine
13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN

The Centre is located behind Animal Crackers
and is accessible via the driveway between Animal Crackers and ATS Euromaster.

Spaces are limited and booking is recommended by calling 01730 231 655.

Learn how to Journey and meet your Power Animal before going on a Shamanic Journey to discover your role as a Guardian of the Earth and ways you can be involved in healing the Web of Life. Participants will be invited to share their experiences with the group.

You can book a place, or just turn up on the day at 14:15, although priority will be given to participants with a booking. You can make a cash donation at the door or make a card payment when you book.  The session will last for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Bring your cash donation, a yoga mat, blanket, cushion, notebook, pen, eyemask, or something to cover your eyes – drums are not required.

To stay in touch with our events and to ask any questions please join our FaceBook group:

2024 Dates

Sunday 26th May
Sunday 23rd June

What is the Web of Life?

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice and was common to almost all pre-modern societies for around 50,000 years.  All traditional tribal cultures lived in harmony with the earth and respected the sacred nature of the Web of Life, being in reverence for both the Feminine and Masculine Principles. They offered their gratitude for the blessings of Mother Earth as our Goddess and Creation, and Father Sky as our God and Creator.

Ancient cultures recognised that every natural living thing on earth was made by the Creator and has a Spirit. The Web of Life refers to the spiritual connection shared by all plants, animals, and minerals, together with the men and women, and the Earth herself. We can tap into this interconnectedness via Shamanic Journeys and ask Spirit what we can do to support the Earth and nature.

Why Do We Need to Participate?

The realm of spiritual ecology is a contemporary solution to the environmental crisis by providing reverence for and spiritual communication with Mother Earth. It is a two-way communication that returns our ancestors’ connection with Nature’s spiritual power.

The Roman Empire eradicated our connection to the Mother and Father by promoting the now dominant patriarchal system of control, which has held the masculine principle in supremacy, leading to the systematic abuse of both women and Mother Earth. Goddess worship and shamanic practices were either diluted or assimilated into the new hierarchy of Christianity. Labelled as heretical and discarded under the threat of punishment or death they were replaced with a mediated relationship with a vengeful god, colonialism, industrialisation, and technology.

In traditional tribal cultures localities had spirit guardians, families had protective ancestors, and individuals enjoyed a direct connection to Mother Earth through the spirits of plants and animals. They also enjoyed a direct relationship with Father Sky who was able to provide a constant source of loving guidance. These common themes run through the diverse shamanic cultural traditions that today bring us unified global truths and an important understanding of our relationship with the natural world.

The Land is alive and should be respected by humanity: by connecting with the energy of the Earth Goddess our role is to assist with re-establishing the right alignment with the Guardian Spirits of the Land and to heal our relationship with Mother Earth and the animals and plants who live in harmony with her.

At a time when the behaviour of humanity makes our future survival questionable, these principles can form the basis for a shift in consciousness to being more spiritually aware so that we can form a renewed relationship with Earth. 

As an old Native American prophecy states: 

“When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colours, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again….”

Healing the Web of Life Shamanic Journey Circle: March 2024

Step into your shared responsibility as a Guardian of the Earth and Caretaker of the Web of Life by Joining The Healing the Web of Life Journey Circle.

14:30 to 16:30
on Sunday 31st March 2024

at The Centre of Complementary Medicine, 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN

Learn how to Journey and meet your Power Animal before going on a Shamanic Journey to discover your role as a Guardian of the Earth and ways that you can be involved in healing the Web of Life. Participants will be invited to share their experiences with the group. There will be a different theme each month.

There is no need to book, just turn up for a 14:30 start and pay a cash donation on the door.  The session will last for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Bring your cash donation, a yoga mat, blanket, cushion, notebook, pen, and eyemask or something to cover your eyes – drums are not required.

If you would like to book a place please telephone The Centre on 01730 231655.

For further information please go to:

Petersfield Post 11 January 2024

The Petersfield Post has covered the opening of The Centre of Complementary Medicine at 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN.

Rose provides Shamanic Healing on Saturdays, telephone 01730 231655 to book an appointment.

Like their Facebook Page.

Art Show: The Centre of Complementary Medicine

I am showing a framed charcoal drawing in a group exhibition at The Centre of Complementary Medicine in Petersfield.  All works are available to purchase from The Centre at 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN. Telephone 01730 231655.

See more on their Facebook Page.

Splendid Isolation
Charcoal on Paper
78 x 62 cm

Shamanic Healing – Talk and Taster Journey

The Centre of Complementary Medicine has moved to a beautiful new building in Dragon Street, Petersfield.  To celebrate the opening practitioners are hosting an open day giving talks, taster sessions, and demonstrations about their healing modalities.

on Saturday 13th January 2024
from 10:00 until 12:00

at The Centre of Complementary Medicine
13a Dragon Street, Petersfield GU31 4JN

I will be talking about the ancient healing art of Shamanism and how it can support your health, vitality, and well-being. Participants can also take part in a Shamanic Journey to connect with the web of life. No need to book – just turn up on the day. The opening ceremony will start at 10:00.

About Shamanic Healing

I conduct Shamanic Journey sessions with a traditional drumming method used by indigenous cultures for over 50,000 years to heal physical illnesses, clear trauma, and change unwanted patterns of behaviour.  Through the repetitive beat of the drum, I access shamanic consciousness using it as a tool to shift the deep, subconscious agreements we hold about ourselves.

Healing occurs by restoring the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic body to balance and wholeness, which in turn heals the soul and spirit.  This promotes personal transformation and empowerment, enabling clients to reach their full potential.

Each session includes a tailored combination of Power Animal Retrieval, Divination, Soul Retrieval, Energy Body Healing, Changing Agreements, Psychopomp, and removing negative energy and blockages through Shamanic Extraction. Shamanic Healing can be performed face-to-face or remotely via distance sessions, which are just as effective.

I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and fully insured. I have completed over 120 hours of training during my Shamanic Apprenticeship with Scott Silverston, founder of Shamanic Spirit Medicine.

Further Information

Shamanic Healing Sessions are available at
The Centre of Complementary Medicine, 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN. To book an appointment please telephone 01730 231655. £155.00 per session.

Distance Healing Sessions can be booked via my website here: