Posts Tagged: shamanic healing

The Role of Animism in Healing

I recently enjoyed watching The Last of the Mohicans and the insight it gave into the Native American spirit and way of life. The opening scene gave an informative view into the Shamanic tradition of animism demonstrating the reverence tribal people had for animals and the Web of Life.  In this scene, three hunters chase a Stag through the woods and strike a final blow. As the animal emits its last breath they say a prayer over the dead body.

We do honour to your courage and speed, your strength.
We’re sorry to kill you, Brother.

By honouring and respecting the spirit of the Stag they are living in spiritual harmony with nature. They killed the animal to eat, not for sport, and expressed gratitude for the spirit of the animal leaving its host body to enable them to receive nourishment.

Animism is an ancient belief system that attributes spiritual essence or consciousness to all entities, including animals, plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena such as the wind and rain. It is the idea that everything in the natural world has a soul and is animated by a spirit, being alive and interconnected.

Animism is not a single, unified religion but rather a belief system found in various forms across the remaining indigenous cultures. This belief system was prevalent up to 5,000 years ago until urbanization caused humanity to progressively forget about nature and the Web of Life.  Each culture may have its own unique practices and interpretations of animistic principles but there are some broad themes:

Spiritual Essence
Animism posits that all things, whether living or non-living, have a spirit or soul. This includes all the expressions of nature including humans, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, and mountains;

In animistic beliefs, all entities are interconnected through their spirits. This interconnectedness often leads to a worldview where humans are part of a larger, spiritually interconnected ecosystem. Tribal communities understood that they had a responsibility to be the custodians of nature as part of this web of life;

Respect for Nature
Animism promotes a deep respect for nature and the environment, seeing it as alive and deserving of reverence. This respect often translates into sustainable living practices and rituals to honour the spirits of the natural world. Indigenous shamanic culture also knew the importance of treating the spirits of plants and animals with respect by asking for their permission before using them for food or medicine; and

Many animistic traditions involve communication with the spirits of nature through rituals, offerings, and prayers. Shamans or spiritual leaders often act as intermediaries between the human community and the spirit world.  This communication with the spirits of animals and plants assists with deep healing.

The advent of religion in the West resulted in the patriarchal attitude of dominion over nature which caused a decline of animism in our culture. This has disrupted our connection with nature, traditional healing methods, and the origins of our food. Shopping at supermarkets distances us from natural foods, leaving us unaware of how they were produced or whether animals suffered. While the Christian tradition of saying grace before meals offers a nod to the gratitude of our tribal ancestors, this practice has largely faded in contemporary society.

Contemporary shamanism is bringing shamanic practices back into our culture. Although often linked with ancient or indigenous traditions, animism still impacts contemporary spiritual practices and environmental movements. It encourages a deep connection to nature and advocates for environmental stewardship, highlighting an increasing recognition of the importance of sustainable and harmonious living with the natural world.  We can travel on shamanic journeys to seek guidance and healing from spirit allies and to restore balance with Mother Earth and nature.

As a Shamanic Practitioner, I can utilise animism for medicinal purposes and to resolve addictions and dependencies. Some plants such as Cannabis are medicinal but can have a possessing spirit which can create a dependency or addiction. By travelling to meet with the plant spirit and communicating with it the dependency can be resolved, alongside healing the cause. However, the individual will also be required to make lifestyle changes to support the healing.

For further information about Shamanic Healing and the Shamanic Techniques that I use, please go to

What is Clairaudience?

Clairaudient messages are communications received through clairaudience, a form of extrasensory perception (ESP) or psychic ability where an individual hears voices, sounds, or messages from the spiritual realm or higher planes of consciousness. Clairaudience means “clear hearing” and is one of the major psychic abilities.

For me, clairaudience developed with fragments of long-forgotten or unfamiliar songs popping into my head when I was washing up or in the shower.  If I can remember it for long enough I research the lyrics online and look for the messages. I have enjoyed listening to songs that I either don’t recall hearing or have long forgotten and I have felt supported by the messages they contain.

Characteristics of Clairaudient Messages

The notion of repetition is a characteristic for me: if I’m in the kitchen cooking I might not have time to write the lyrics down, and then when I’m walking the dog I’ll realise that I’ve forgotten.  Then a couple of days later it will come back to me and I make sure that I write it down and look it up immediately before it goes away again.

Internal Sound: These messages are often heard inside the mind, similar to thought but distinct in that they seem to come from an outside source.

External Sound: Less commonly, the messages may be heard externally, as if someone is speaking aloud to the person.

Variety of Sources: The messages can come from various sources, such as spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones, or other spiritual entities.

Clarity and Repetition: Clairaudient messages are typically clear and distinct. Sometimes, they may be repeated to ensure the message is understood.

Guidance and Insight: These messages often provide guidance, insight, warnings, or information that can help the individual in their personal or spiritual journey.

How Clairaudience Can Manifest

We all have different experiences of clairaudience, so there is no set expectation.  Music is the only form I receive, but there are others.

Random Words or Phrases
Hearing random words or phrases that seem to pop into the mind without any apparent source.

Music or Sounds
Hearing music, sounds, or tones that have no physical source.

Names and Numbers
Receiving specific names or numbers that hold significance.

Hearing parts of conversations or dialogues, either within the mind or externally.

Developing Clairaudience

I didn’t set out to develop clairaudience; it came to me later in life after fifteen years of mediation and a plant medicine ceremony which really brought it through as a mode of communication from my spirit guides/higher self.

Regular meditation can help quiet the mind and make it easier to discern clairaudient messages.

Listening Exercises:
Practice active listening in daily life to enhance auditory perception.

Trust and Openness:
Trusting in the messages received and remaining open to the experience without scepticism.

Keeping a journal of any messages, sounds, or voices heard can help in recognizing patterns and understanding the messages more clearly.

Distinguishing Clairaudience from Mental Health Issues

Clairaudient messages are a form of spiritual communication received through the sense of hearing. They can provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Developing this ability involves practice, openness, and discernment, ensuring that the messages received are for the highest good.

It is important to distinguish between clairaudient experiences and symptoms of mental health conditions, such as auditory hallucinations associated with disorders like schizophrenia. Clairaudient messages are typically positive, guiding, and constructive, whereas auditory hallucinations in mental health conditions can be distressing, negative, and disruptive.

Of course, addictions may be the source of the problem such as taking street drugs,  drinking too much alcohol or taking too much plant medicine.  Pharmaceutical drugs can also disrupt mental health but you must discuss this with your doctor rather than abruptly stopping the medication which may cause other problems.

Shamanic Healing

If you are experiencing distressing experiences that are in the realm of mental health issues, a Shamanic Healing Distact Session may help.  It could be a Spiritual Parasite or Entity that is controlling an aspect of your behaviour.  Such entities attach via tears in the energy body created by trauma allowing negative influences to come in and take over.  Rose uses Shamanic Techniques to remove Spiritual Parasites and negative energy and change the agreements you made that have allowed them to resonate with you so that they cannot return.

The Narcissistic Abuse Cycle

The cycle of narcissistic abuse is a repetitive and destructive pattern of behaviour often experienced in relationships with narcissists. This cycle typically consists of three main phases: idealization, devaluation, and discard.  In my experience, these phases are common to all narcissists including mothers, spouses, partners, friends, group leaders, and work colleagues.

Understanding this cycle can help you to recognize and break free from abusive relationships. Here is a detailed explanation of each phase:

Idealization Phase

During this phase, the narcissist appears charming, attentive, and loving, creating a “honeymoon” period in the relationship. This stage is also known as “love bombing” because the narcissist overwhelms you with affection, praise, and gifts.  The narcissist may flatter, shower with compliments, and make grand gestures.  If you have a history of feeling undervalued this makes you feel valued, special, and deeply connected to the narcissist, creating a strong emotional bond.  It feels wonderful and is intoxicating.

Devaluation Phase

Once you are emotionally invested, the narcissist will gradually shift towards devaluation. The narcissist begins to criticize, belittle, and manipulate, eroding self-esteem and sense of self-worth.  The narcissist may engage in verbal abuse, gaslighting, passive-aggressive behaviour, and blame-shifting.  You may feel confused, anxious, and worthless, often questioning your reality and blaming yourself for the narcissist’s behaviour.

Discard Phase

In the discard phase, the narcissist abruptly ends the relationship or distances themselves emotionally, leaving you feeling abandoned and devastated. This phase can be temporary, with the narcissist returning to restart the cycle. The narcissist may ghost, withdraw affection, or abruptly end the relationship causing intense emotional pain, confusion, and a sense of betrayal.


After the discard phase, the narcissist may attempt to re-enter your life, a tactic known as “hoovering.” This is often done to regain control and restart the cycle of abuse.  The narcissist may apologize, make promises to change, or employ manipulative tactics to draw you back causing hope for change so that you re-enter the relationship, only to repeat the cycle.

Breaking the Cycle

Recognizing the cycle of narcissistic abuse is crucial for breaking free. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Education: Learn about narcissistic personality disorder and abuse patterns to understand what you are experiencing.
  • Feelings: Tune into your feelings and if something feels wrong, pay attention.
  • Boundaries: Set and enforce strong personal boundaries to protect yourself from further harm.
  • Support: Seek support from trusted friends, family, or professional counsellors who can offer guidance and validation.
  • Self-Care: Focus on self-care and rebuilding your self-esteem and sense of self-worth.
  • No Contact: Consider implementing a “no contact” rule to fully detach from the narcissist and prevent further manipulation.

Shamanic Healing

Narcissistic abuse is often an entrenched pattern, evolving from early childhood experiences where we develop beliefs and agreements about ourselves and others.  This could take the form of “I’m not good enough” which has far-reaching consequences for people in their lives, holding them back from experiencing their true potential.  It may stop them from applying to college to do a course, sabotage them from attending an interview for their dream job, or put them in a state of depression where they don’t want to socialise.  The pattern will repeat from early childhood caregivers through friendships, work colleagues, and partners/spouses.

Talking about our problem in psychotherapy can give us a cognitive understanding of the situation, but it cannot change our programmed behaviour on a subconscious level.  Shamanic healing can break the trauma bonds with the abuser by changing the agreements that have caused them to seek a detrimental relationship.  By shifting to “I am good enough” we can step into a new manifestation of life with a new job, home, and hobbies.

Soul Retrieval will enable you to get the life-force energy back that was stolen from you, which is a very empowering experience.  This gives solid confidence which is not in ego.  Energy Body Healing will seal up the holes in your energy body so that the soul parts cannot leave again.  Spiritual Parasite / Entity Removal will remove any external negative forces that may be controlling you without you knowing, such as causing you to drink too much which leads to emotional outbursts that the entity feeds off leaving you drained. The removal of negative energy and blockages through Shamanic Extraction will help you to feel refreshed, and more energetic and give you a positive frame of mind.

For further information go to Shamanic Healing and Shamanic Techniques.  To book a free 10-minute Zoom to discuss your needs, please go to the Contact and to make an online booking go to Bookings.

What is Narcissistic Abuse?

Narcissistic abuse refers to the psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical maltreatment inflicted by individuals with narcissistic traits or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). This type of abuse often leaves deep, lasting impacts on victims. Here are some key aspects of narcissistic abuse:

Characteristics of Narcissistic Abuse:


  • Gaslighting: This is a form of manipulation where the abuser makes the victim doubt their reality, memory, or perceptions. It involves lying, denying facts, and twisting the truth to make the victim question their sanity​​.
  • Triangulation: The narcissist might bring in a third party to reinforce their perspective or to create jealousy and rivalry, further destabilizing the victim​.

Emotional Abuse:

  • Devaluation: After initially idealizing the victim, the narcissist begins to criticize, belittle, and demean them, stripping away their self-esteem and self-worth​.
  • Silent Treatment: Ignoring or refusing to communicate with the victim as a form of punishment or control​.

Control and Domination:

  • Isolation: Narcissistic abusers often isolate their victims from friends, family, and support systems to maintain control and dependency​​.
  • Financial Control: They may control the victim’s finances, making it difficult for them to gain independence​​.

Psychological Manipulation:

  • Love Bombing: Initially overwhelming the victim with affection, flattery, and attention to quickly gain their trust and affection​​.
  • Projection: Accusing the victim of the very behaviours and faults the narcissists exhibit themselves.

Physical and Sexual Abuse:

  • Though less common, narcissistic abuse can also involve physical and sexual violence. This aspect of abuse serves to further dominate and control the victim​​.

    Impacts on Victims:

    Psychological Effects:

    • Trauma and PTSD: Victims often experience symptoms of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including anxiety, flashbacks, and severe emotional distress​​.
    • Low Self-Esteem: Continuous devaluation erodes the victim’s self-esteem and self-worth, making it difficult for them to trust their own judgment​.

    Emotional and Social Effects:

    • Isolation: The victim may become isolated from their support network, feeling alone and misunderstood​.
    • Depression and Anxiety: Chronic exposure to narcissistic abuse can lead to severe depression and anxiety​.

      How You Can Heal:

      Rose can assist you with recovering from narcissistic abuse with a Shamanic Healing Session using Shamanic Techniques that will:

      • Remove negative intrusions and energy;
      • Replace lost or stolen life-force energy;
      • Discover the source of abuse;
      • Heal the original trauma;
      • Erase the programmed responses;
      • Create new empowering behaviours;
      • Seal the energy body to prevent further leakage of energy or intrusions.

      Spirit may include additional information and guidance tailored to your experience and healing process. More than one session may be required.

      Resources for Further Reading:

      These sources provide comprehensive insights into the dynamics of narcissistic abuse, its characteristics, and its profound impact on victims.

      Psychology Today:


      Verywell Mind:

      Healing the Web of Life Shamanic Journey Circle – June 2024

      Healing the Web of Life Shamanic Journey Circle

      Step into your shared responsibility as a Guardian of the Earth and Caretaker of the Web of Life at our next meeting on

      Sunday 23rd June 2024
      14:30 to 16:30

      The Centre of Complementary Medicine
      13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN

      The Centre is located behind Animal Crackers
      and is accessible via the driveway between Animal Crackers and ATS Euromaster.

      You can turn up on the day or book your place by calling The Centre on 01730 231 655.

      Learn how to Journey and meet your Power Animal before going on a Shamanic Journey to discover your role as a Guardian of the Earth and ways you can be involved in healing the Web of Life. Participants will be invited to share their experiences with the group.

      You can make a cash donation on the door and card payments can be taken at the time of booking.

      The session will last for approximately two hours.

      Bring your cash donation, a yoga mat, blanket, cushion, notebook, pen, eyemask, or something to cover your eyes – drums are not required.

      To stay in touch with our events and to ask any questions please join us on social media:

      What is the Web of Life?

      Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice and was common to almost all pre-modern societies for around 50,000 years.  All traditional tribal cultures lived in harmony with the earth and respected the sacred nature of the Web of Life, being in reverence for both the Feminine and Masculine Principles. They offered their gratitude for the blessings of Mother Earth as our Goddess and Creation, and Father Sky as our God and Creator.

      Ancient cultures recognised that the Creator made every natural living thing on earth and gave them a Spirit. The Web of Life refers to the spiritual connection shared by all plants, animals, and minerals, together with the men and women, and the Earth herself. We can tap into this interconnectedness via Shamanic Journeys and ask Spirit what we can do to support the Earth and nature.

      Why Do We Need to Participate?

      The realm of spiritual ecology is a contemporary solution to the environmental crisis by providing reverence for and spiritual communication with Mother Earth. It is a two-way communication that returns our ancestors’ connection with Nature’s spiritual power.

      The Roman Empire eradicated our connection to the Mother and Father by promoting the now dominant patriarchal system of control, which has held the masculine principle in supremacy, leading to the systematic abuse of both women and Mother Earth. Goddess worship and shamanic practices were either diluted or assimilated into the new hierarchy of Christianity. Labelled as heretical and discarded under the threat of punishment or death they were replaced with a mediated relationship with a vengeful god, colonialism, industrialisation, and technology.

      In traditional tribal cultures localities had spirit guardians, families had protective ancestors, and individuals enjoyed a direct connection to Mother Earth through the spirits of plants and animals. They also enjoyed a direct relationship with Father Sky who was able to provide a constant source of loving guidance. These common themes run through the diverse shamanic cultural traditions that today bring us unified global truths and an important understanding of our relationship with the natural world.

      The Land is alive and should be respected by humanity: by connecting with the energy of the Earth Goddess our role is to assist with re-establishing the right alignment with the Guardian Spirits of the Land and to heal our relationship with Mother Earth and the animals and plants who live in harmony with her.

      At a time when the behaviour of humanity makes our future survival questionable, these principles can form the basis for a shift in consciousness to being more spiritually aware so that we can form a renewed relationship with Earth. 

      As an old Native American prophecy states: 

      “When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colours, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again….”

      Drumming Track

      Listen to a drumming track on YouTube:
      Listen to a drumming tack online:
      Download the drumming track for free:

      Unmet Needs & Behaviour

      In my experience, some people consider the voicing of an alternative opinion as an attack, no matter how respectful the delivery. This is because they are viewing the world through a lens of distortion based on negative experiences from the past.  This anchors them in the past and prevents them from being able to truly experience the present.

      They are on an automatic pilot, repeatedly running an old programme that makes them unable to see things differently. These programmes are formed from experiences in childhood, with negative experiences from family members often being the strongest.  So if a child has an over-critical mother they will be the most damaged, causing them to be frequently triggered throughout their lives.

      The most common negative programme is “I’m not good enough”, which wreaks havoc because it takes away our confidence in all aspects of our lives. When this program is running the ego will play a trick on their mind, causing the belief that everyone they meet will see them as a failure. If they are in a leadership position, either running their own business or social group, the false idea that everyone holds a negative opinion about every action they take will create some bizarre situations.

      Their inner critic will bombard them with negative self-talk, priming them to being over-sensitive. Then, if a co-worker or associate expresses an alternative idea or view it will be taken as a personal attack and instantly trigger a robust defence mechanism. The ego has to preserve its sense of self at all costs, even though it is a distortion. As such it will start aggressive outbursts coloured by black-and-white thinking where they are always right and the other is wrong. The wrong person will be ordered to shut up or asked to leave creating unnecessary upset for everyone involved. This is particularly damaging for those souls who have problems expressing themselves due to throat chakra blockage, which triggers them back into self-doubt.

      Over time, people will learn to keep away, but there is a solution to break these destructive patterns.

      The Shamanic Spirit Medicine Healing Method is very good at resolving behavioural issues because it is conducted in Shamanic Conciousness, outside the restrictions of time and space. The healer goes on a Shamanic Journey using the beat of the drum to put them into theta state where they can access the power for healing on behalf of the client.

      This system differs from the offerings of most contemporary Shamanic Healers in that not only does it remove blockages and negative energy, heal the energy body, and return lost life-force energy, but it also includes a technique that gets to the root cause of the problem, preventing it from recurring by reprogramming the subconscious.

      By accessing Spirit Mind we can go into the limbic part of the brain to erase disempowering beliefs and consciously select positive ones to make permanent changes to the automatic operating system.  This process lays new foundations for more positive belief systems that will change instinctual response patterns and drive a behaviour change, assisting the achievement of better outcomes in all areas of life.

      For further information please go to the Shamanic Healing page.

      Rose can work with you face-to-face or remotely via distance sessions, which are just as effective.  She provides Shamanic Healing at The Centre of Complementary Medicine 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN. For an appointment please telephone 01730 231655.

      She takes bookings for distance sessions directly. To make an appointment please go to the Bookings Page.

      Healing the Web of Life Journey Circle – 26 May 2024

      Healing the Web of Life Journey Circle

      Step into your shared responsibility as a Guardian of the Earth and Caretaker of the Web of Life at our next meeting on

      Sunday 26th May 2024
      14:30 to 16:30

      The Centre of Complementary Medicine
      13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN

      The Centre is located behind Animal Crackers
      and is accessible via the driveway between Animal Crackers and ATS Euromaster.

      Spaces are limited and booking is recommended by calling 01730 231 655.

      Learn how to Journey and meet your Power Animal before going on a Shamanic Journey to discover your role as a Guardian of the Earth and ways you can be involved in healing the Web of Life. Participants will be invited to share their experiences with the group.

      You can book a place, or just turn up on the day at 14:15, although priority will be given to participants with a booking. You can make a cash donation at the door or make a card payment when you book.  The session will last for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

      Bring your cash donation, a yoga mat, blanket, cushion, notebook, pen, eyemask, or something to cover your eyes – drums are not required.

      To stay in touch with our events and to ask any questions please join our FaceBook group:

      2024 Dates

      Sunday 26th May
      Sunday 23rd June

      What is the Web of Life?

      Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice and was common to almost all pre-modern societies for around 50,000 years.  All traditional tribal cultures lived in harmony with the earth and respected the sacred nature of the Web of Life, being in reverence for both the Feminine and Masculine Principles. They offered their gratitude for the blessings of Mother Earth as our Goddess and Creation, and Father Sky as our God and Creator.

      Ancient cultures recognised that every natural living thing on earth was made by the Creator and has a Spirit. The Web of Life refers to the spiritual connection shared by all plants, animals, and minerals, together with the men and women, and the Earth herself. We can tap into this interconnectedness via Shamanic Journeys and ask Spirit what we can do to support the Earth and nature.

      Why Do We Need to Participate?

      The realm of spiritual ecology is a contemporary solution to the environmental crisis by providing reverence for and spiritual communication with Mother Earth. It is a two-way communication that returns our ancestors’ connection with Nature’s spiritual power.

      The Roman Empire eradicated our connection to the Mother and Father by promoting the now dominant patriarchal system of control, which has held the masculine principle in supremacy, leading to the systematic abuse of both women and Mother Earth. Goddess worship and shamanic practices were either diluted or assimilated into the new hierarchy of Christianity. Labelled as heretical and discarded under the threat of punishment or death they were replaced with a mediated relationship with a vengeful god, colonialism, industrialisation, and technology.

      In traditional tribal cultures localities had spirit guardians, families had protective ancestors, and individuals enjoyed a direct connection to Mother Earth through the spirits of plants and animals. They also enjoyed a direct relationship with Father Sky who was able to provide a constant source of loving guidance. These common themes run through the diverse shamanic cultural traditions that today bring us unified global truths and an important understanding of our relationship with the natural world.

      The Land is alive and should be respected by humanity: by connecting with the energy of the Earth Goddess our role is to assist with re-establishing the right alignment with the Guardian Spirits of the Land and to heal our relationship with Mother Earth and the animals and plants who live in harmony with her.

      At a time when the behaviour of humanity makes our future survival questionable, these principles can form the basis for a shift in consciousness to being more spiritually aware so that we can form a renewed relationship with Earth. 

      As an old Native American prophecy states: 

      “When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colours, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again….”

      Healing the Web of Life Shamanic Journey Circle: March 2024

      Step into your shared responsibility as a Guardian of the Earth and Caretaker of the Web of Life by Joining The Healing the Web of Life Journey Circle.

      14:30 to 16:30
      on Sunday 31st March 2024

      at The Centre of Complementary Medicine, 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN

      Learn how to Journey and meet your Power Animal before going on a Shamanic Journey to discover your role as a Guardian of the Earth and ways that you can be involved in healing the Web of Life. Participants will be invited to share their experiences with the group. There will be a different theme each month.

      There is no need to book, just turn up for a 14:30 start and pay a cash donation on the door.  The session will last for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

      Bring your cash donation, a yoga mat, blanket, cushion, notebook, pen, and eyemask or something to cover your eyes – drums are not required.

      If you would like to book a place please telephone The Centre on 01730 231655.

      For further information please go to:

      Shamanic Case Study – Childhood Trauma

      Weekend Dog Trauma at Petersfield Heath

      On Friday afternoon I decided to enjoy total relaxation during my weekend alone; with a social media detox and no paperwork or other work-related activity.  On Saturday morning I bought myself breakfast from the market on my way to The Heath for my favourite dog walk.  As I sat on a bench overlooking the pond, I felt gratitude for the misty morning and the beauty of the still water.  But my reverie was soon broken by three large dogs running towards me; they were off the lead and their owner was nowhere in sight.  As they tried grabbing my food I shouted out for the owner to call them back, but to no avail.

      Eventually, they left to hassle another dog off the lead and pandemonium soon broke out as the owner of the other dog went in to pull his out of the fray.  I watched as one of the three dogs went and investigated each of the fishermen’s tents along the waterside, before running back over to the Plump Duck.  A few minutes later they all came running back for another try at grabbing my food, which was very distressing.  Eventually, the owner came sauntering along and I asked him why he wasn’t taking control of his dogs and he smirked as one of them continued to jump up for the remainder of my pork pie.

      My stomach was churning, I felt upset and angry that my relaxing morning had been so brutally disturbed by such a man with a total lack of empathy or consideration for others.  After finishing my tea I went for a walk in the woods and did some grounding and healing with an old tree and felt much better so that I was able to enjoy the rest of my day.

      On Sunday morning I had managed to eat my breakfast from the Farmers Market in peace and was halfway around the wooded area of The Heath when the same three dogs came racing up; again off the lead with the owner out of sight.  They were jumping at my much smaller dog who was on the lead and yelped in fright. This put me in fear again and I felt tension in my gut as I looked around for the owner with a sense of helplessness and distress.  When he eventually appeared I asked him why he wasn’t calling the dogs back to him so they didn’t go out of sight, and again I got the same nonchalant response.

      For the second time in two days, I was left very shaky and upset and I wondered why this traumatic experience was happening to me again. Why was the universe twice creating this situation to disrupt my relaxation?

      Then my mind went silent and a picture came into my mind from childhood of a huge black dog with big teeth (just like the photo I used) running across the road and attacking me as I walked home alone from a friend’s house.  Instead of helping me the owner just screamed at me to stand still while allowing the dog to continue to jump up at me; its muddy paws pressing against my chest and shoulders.  I was terrified and there was nobody to help.

      I soon realised that the incident at The Heath had triggered a deep trauma that had remained hidden away for over 40 years; the sense of fear, helplessness, and threat of being bitten all came back causing me to become tearful.  I was in shock that this could happen on one of my favourite walks – what if a child had been with me?  Another trauma would have been created from a lack of consideration by an irresponsible dog owner.

      At home, I did a Shamanic Healing on myself; I went back to that point in place and time with the Doberman and did what was necessary to reassure and assist my young self as a child.  I then conducted an extraction on myself to remove the negative energy from that first assault, and then performed a soul retrieval, returning the lost soul parts (otherwise known as life-force energy) which were suspended in that time and place. Finally, I changed the agreement that had been set around the first trauma to prevent it from being triggered again.

      During the healing, I cried a lot and felt feelings of abandonment, which was really unpleasant.  As an uncontrollable fit of terror was being released I was told that by allowing it all to come out I would be able to move forward with a greater sense of confidence and empowerment.  It was exhausting.

      I have realised that this is how the universe can send us the healing that we need; through unexpected incidents that use others as a tool for us to access the traumas that are deeply locked away.  I write with gratitude to the man at The Health; without his lack of care or consideration, I would not have had the opportunity to access this wound.  But I do hope that others are vigilant so that another child isn’t traumatised.

      The Shamen who cared for our ancient ancestors would not have waited more than three days to deal with the effects of a traumatic experience such as this, as such the individual would not have to carry such a burden for a lifetime.  But in recent times, our obsession with drugs to suppress symptoms and surgery to cut out problems has left us unable to deal with healing on a spiritual level.  I had five years of psychotherapy and SSRIs but that did nothing to heal this deeply-held trauma.

      You can read more about the benefits of Shamanic Healing by clicking on the ‘Shamanic Healing’ tab on the menu at the top of the page.

      Interview about Shamanic Healing on Shine Radio

      I was unexpectedly interviewed about Shamanic Healing by Jo Gray of Petersfield’s Shine Radio at the recent opening of The Centre of Complementary Medicine, in Petersfield.

      Regenerate Yourself on Imbolc 1st February 2024

      In Shamanic tribal cultures, the Medicine Wheel represents the changing seasons and natural cycles of the year. Our ancient Celtic ancestors were deeply connected to the land, the seasons, and the natural world and honoured these times with rituals and ceremonies. By following this cyclical way of life we too can be aligned with the rhythms and patterns of nature that can offer us their wisdom and support our well-being.

      In England, as the great wheel turns we now find nature slowly re-emerging from the deep hibernation of Winter. The 1st of February marks the Ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc (pronounced Im-molk), the first of eight celebrations held throughout the year to herald the change of the seasons.

      Imbolc is a cross-quarter or mid-season festival halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It marks the change in energy as the light starts to illuminate the end of the long, dark Winter to activate a new cycle of life, bringing the first stirrings of Spring.

      Mother Earth is pregnant with the seeds of summer’s fruits, so Imbolc represents regeneration as the light returns to warm the land and nurture the new growth. As such it is linked with pregnancy and the Goddess Brigid in her role as a Maiden and fertility goddess. She rules the fire of the hearth as well as the fire of imagination through poetry and crafts. She also blessed other skills that required the use of fire, like blacksmithing.

      Imbolc is symbolised by snowdrops and milk; the first plants and foods of early Spring. Ancient farmers used it to mark the start of Spring when the first baby lambs were born. They ensured lambs were born before the calves because they could survive better and provide much-needed milk after the long winter.

      Over time, this day was absorbed by Christianity as the feast of St Brigid, Ireland’s Mother Saint, and one of Ireland’s three patron saints.

      As nature starts to wake up, the new Spring energy invites us to celebrate a point of both seasonal and psychic transformation. We can use this phase to activate a new cycle on a personal level to bring in creative energy for new ideas and behaviours.

      To clear the way for the new growth of our intentions we can start with purification, cleansing, and clearing away stagnation that built up over the winter months.

      • Open all the windows and sound cleanse each room by clapping loudly in each corner, or ringing a bell to shift stagnant energies which have built up over the long winter.
      • Burn sage with all of the windows open to remove unwanted energy and attract the new.
      • Spring clean and de-clutter your home.
      • Light a fire or candle in every room.
      • Make a list of the old things you want to let go of and burn it.
      • Collect snowdrops for the windowsill.
      • Drum, dance, recite poetry, and sing songs.
      • Brainstorm, create a vision board, and journal, to plan your new activities, ideas and ambitions for the coming year.
      • Plant seeds for new skills and hobbies: join a choir, take a class, or learn to paint or draw.

      If you would like assistance with clearing out old patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs, book a Shamanic Healing Session with Rose:

      Some altar items for inspiration:

      • Incense. Myrrh, frankincense, and musk are good for creating a ritual space;
      • Basil, rosemary, and cinnamon are good for uplifting energy;
      • Red or orange candles;
      • Sun symbols;
      • Snowdrops (first flower of spring);
      • Something woollen or a sheep figure;
      • A triskele or other triple goddess symbol;
      • Early greens like wild garlic;
      • A blue cloth represents flowing water;
      • Crystals with solar or passionate associations: citrine, garnet, amber, sunstone.
      Many Imbolc Blessings to all.
      May your light shine brightly, may your path be clear, and may the seeds that you sow be strong and bountiful.

      The other festivals are:
      Spring Equinox, or Eostre, 21 March
      Beltane, 1-2 May
      Summer Solstice, or Litha, 21 June
      Lughnasadh, or Lammas, 1-2 August
      Autumn Equinox, or Mabon, 2 September
      Samhain, 31 October-2 November
      Winter Solstice, or Yule, 21 December

      January: That Dreaded First Month of the Year

      I was dismayed to read this negative phrase regarding the season of Winter: January – that dreaded first month of the year. It caused me to wonder: why do people dread this month? Is it because things have slowed down after all of the Christmas and New Year celebrations? Is January just not exciting enough?  This post is a reminder for us all to go back to our Shamanic roots and welcome the Winter as a time of healing and self-care.

      Contemporary life can present a tempting array of distractions and things to do which cause us to swing towards an expectation of constant stimulation and excitement. But it is important to recognise the principle of rhythm in natural law, which tells us that there is always an ebb and flow; the pendulum swing moves equally on both sides between two poles. When our pendulum swings to one extreme, it has to swing back to the same extent in the opposite direction.

      Thus, extreme excitement will eventually cause an extreme depression, as the pendulum reaches its limit and falls back down again.  So that someone who has gone to lots of Christmas parties may then find that they have done too much and their body responds by getting a bad cold to detox all of the alcohol and sugar, forcing the body to rest.  This slow-down can be a form of irritation and that individual may fight it with cold remedies and caffeine, resisting rest and recuperation, possibly causing greater health issues in the future.

      We can avoid these dramatic extremes by finding balance in our lives and operating from a place of acceptance that is in harmony with the seasons. In Shamanic practice, Winter is an important aspect of a seasonal calendar that is respected by all tribal cultures. They accept that the cycles of life affecting all plants and creatures on earth also apply to them, and they don’t resist this necessary change.  By harmonising our lives with the gentle and gradual changes of the seasons we can avoid the extreme swings, and embrace nature’s requirement for rest and inner change that is necessary for our personal growth.

      Our tribal ancestors recognised Winter as a time of hibernation because they saw nature naturally slowing down around them; they observed the trees losing their leaves and the animals disappearing into their warm nests. They knew that this gradual slowing down was a time of rest for nature so it could prepare for the new growth in the spring.  By watching nature tribal people have an inner acceptance that just as all living things go into some form of hibernation during the winter, so should they.

      Winter is recognised as being an important time of rest so that they can go within and evaluate the year, considering what could be changed so that they can clarify their intent to manifest something different for the next year. In doing so they would achieve spiritual growth and give themselves time to incubate their new ideas and plans for rejuvenation in the spring.

      In contemporary cities, it is easy to ignore nature and turn up the heating to carry on with business as usual. But in doing so we miss out on an important time for personal growth work and self-care. So why not learn to honour this time for yourself by curling up on the sofa for some rest and journaling? Think about what didn’t work for you last year, the changes you want to make, and how you can improve your life. Consider areas such as relationships, well-being, creativity, exercise, work/career, hobbies, family, and your home and make a list for each heading.

      If you identify some changes you would like to make in your behaviour and attitudes to life, book in for a Shamanic Healing Session which can assist you with making real changes for self-improvement and greater enjoyment of life. Rose can perform Shamanic Healing by distance sessions or face-to-face appointments. Please note that distance sessions are just as effective as in-person meetings.  To book a session go here:

      Rose Autumn is a Shamanic Practitioner working at The Centre of Complementary Medicine in Petersfield, East Hampshire, in the South East of England.  Rose is a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and is fully insured.  She has completed over 120 hours of training during her Shamanic Apprenticeship with Scott Silverston, founder of the Shamanic Spirit Medicine Healing System.

      Image taken by Rose on The Heath in Petersfield, Hampshire, England on 18th January 2024.

      For further reading on natural law go to

      Petersfield Post 11 January 2024

      The Petersfield Post has covered the opening of The Centre of Complementary Medicine at 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN.

      Rose provides Shamanic Healing on Saturdays, telephone 01730 231655 to book an appointment.

      Like their Facebook Page.


      Clients are usually given homework to complete after a Shamanic Healing Session. The setting of boundaries is one that often comes up after an extraction or soul retrieval to ensure the problem doesn’t return.

      If we set an agreement around the event that created the Soul Loss and Intrusion, we can find that there are repeating patterns of behaviour that are difficult to change.

      By changing the agreement to something positive, we can enable new ways of thinking and acting that align with our true selves and ultimately experience better outcomes in our relationships.

      We will find it easier to confidently set boundaries with others so that soul loss doesn’t occur again through negative behaviour patterns.

      My work is about changing behaviour to enable clients to move forward with their lives; not to create returning customers!

      Shamanic Healing – Talk and Taster Journey

      The Centre of Complementary Medicine has moved to a beautiful new building in Dragon Street, Petersfield.  To celebrate the opening practitioners are hosting an open day giving talks, taster sessions, and demonstrations about their healing modalities.

      on Saturday 13th January 2024
      from 10:00 until 12:00

      at The Centre of Complementary Medicine
      13a Dragon Street, Petersfield GU31 4JN

      I will be talking about the ancient healing art of Shamanism and how it can support your health, vitality, and well-being. Participants can also take part in a Shamanic Journey to connect with the web of life. No need to book – just turn up on the day. The opening ceremony will start at 10:00.

      About Shamanic Healing

      I conduct Shamanic Journey sessions with a traditional drumming method used by indigenous cultures for over 50,000 years to heal physical illnesses, clear trauma, and change unwanted patterns of behaviour.  Through the repetitive beat of the drum, I access shamanic consciousness using it as a tool to shift the deep, subconscious agreements we hold about ourselves.

      Healing occurs by restoring the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic body to balance and wholeness, which in turn heals the soul and spirit.  This promotes personal transformation and empowerment, enabling clients to reach their full potential.

      Each session includes a tailored combination of Power Animal Retrieval, Divination, Soul Retrieval, Energy Body Healing, Changing Agreements, Psychopomp, and removing negative energy and blockages through Shamanic Extraction. Shamanic Healing can be performed face-to-face or remotely via distance sessions, which are just as effective.

      I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and fully insured. I have completed over 120 hours of training during my Shamanic Apprenticeship with Scott Silverston, founder of Shamanic Spirit Medicine.

      Further Information

      Shamanic Healing Sessions are available at
      The Centre of Complementary Medicine, 13b Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JN. To book an appointment please telephone 01730 231655. £155.00 per session.

      Distance Healing Sessions can be booked via my website here:

      FHT Membership

      Rose is delighted to be accepted as a Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), the largest organisation of Complementary Therapists in England, Ireland, and Internationally.

      You can find her on the FHT Therapist Register. Clients will feel reassured knowing she is fully insured for Shamanic Healing, Energy Healing, Sound Therapy, Singing Bowls, Drumming, and Wellness Coaching.

      Shamanic Case Study: Pharmaceutical Drugs

      Healing the Side Effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs

      Having received two blood transfusions I was discharged from the hospital to wait for my surgery date to be booked.

      To prevent further bleeding I was prescribed three prescription drugs to take daily during this waiting time.

      For the previous two and a half years I hadn’t had so much as one paracetamol. As a result, I was feeling very tired, unable to concentrate, and feeling disconnected from my Shamanic practices.

      This was compounded by having had seven days in the hospital without meditation, grounding, or Qi Gung and being in a busy environment surrounded by electromagnetic radiation so I was very much depleted.

      I contacted Scott, my teacher from Shamanic Spirit Medicine, for advice and he recommended contacting the Possessing Spirits of the drugs I was taking and extracting them from my body along with a soul retrieval to return any soul parts that I had lost during the hospital stay.

      Having repeated this exercise several times I suddenly got my energy back and felt well enough to go to a friend’s birthday dinner which I really enjoyed.

      This experience has taught me that when prescription medication is required to save our lives, we can support ourselves with Shamanic techniques if we are negatively affected.