Posts Tagged: Jezebel Spirit

What is the Jezebel Spirit?

The Jezebel Spirit can be seen in all social groups and is particularly prevalent in the various Spiritual communities based on the ‘love and light’ model.  It is most obvious in the self-appointed leaders of these groups who often claim to receive ‘insights’ and ‘downloads’ from their guides but don’t have the discernment and wisdom to see that they are from a negative influence.

Key Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit include:

Lack of Authenticity:
The individual being controlled by the Jezebel Spirit and comes across as insincere and false.  They say what they think you need to hear to do their bidding.

Manipulation and Control:
– A Jezebel spirit is often associated with controlling and manipulative behaviours. Individuals under this influence may use deceit, flattery, and seduction to achieve their goals and maintain power over others.

Rebellion and Idolatry:
– The Jezebel spirit is linked to rebellion against authority, especially spiritual authority and Natural Law.  They look to psychics on YouTube for guidance and lead people away from a true connection to the Creator.

Seduction and Immorality:
– Sexual immorality and seduction are common traits attributed to the Jezebel spirit. This includes physical acts and leading others into moral compromise through charm and allure.

False Prophecy and Deception:
– Individuals influenced by a Jezebel spirit may falsely claim to have spiritual insights or prophetic gifts. They use these claims to deceive and mislead others, often causing division and strife within communities.

Biblical Reference
The concept is primarily derived from the story of Queen Jezebel in the books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings. Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, promoted the worship of Baal and Asherah in Israel, opposed the prophet Elijah, and orchestrated the murder of Naboth to seize his vineyard.

Modern Usage
In contemporary usage, the term Jezebel Spirit explains behaviours that disrupt communities, families, and relationships. In Christian teachings, it’s considered a spirit that needs to be confronted and cast out through prayer, spiritual warfare, and adherence to biblical principles.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing can assist both the victims and the perpetrators.

Rose can assist victims with Shamanic Techniques to extract negative intrusions, seal the energy body, get to the root cause of the problem, erase any detrimental subconscious programmes, retrieve lost soul parts and stolen life-force energy, and create a new way of being so that clients can shift their relationship dynamics and enjoy their lives.

Although it is unlikely that the Jezabel spirit will allow its host to either seek out or accept any healing, Rose can perform entity removal and the extraction of spiritual parasites for those who accept that they have a problem.

Resources for Further Reading

These sources provide detailed explanations and biblical context for understanding the concept of the Jezebel spirit and how it is applied in modern Christian teaching.

1. Offers a comprehensive overview of the Jezebel spirit and its characteristics.

2. Charisma Magazine: Lists traits associated with the Jezebel spirit and provides insights into dealing with this influence.

3. Bible Study Tools: Provides biblical context and interpretation related to the Jezebel spirit.