Unlock Your Power: Shamanic Healing for a New Earth

Many of us are feeling disatisfied with the World, but instead of feeling disempowered and fed up with our lot lets unlock our power and create positive change.  We have been supressed into a state of being that accepts what the system creates for us, but we hold the power to create our own version of the Earth; an upgraded version where suffering and lack is replaced with abundance for all.

“How is it that man is content to crawl, and not only content to crawl but is obliged to do so?

If man was given dominion over all things, he was certainly given power to fly above the birds. If this is his dominion why has he not asserted his dominion long ago?

The fault must certainly be in man’s own mind.”

Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East

Heal trauma, remove blockages, and reprogramme your brain with Shamanic Healing Distance Sessions to enable you to co-create the New Earth using the Perfect Law of the Masters. 

Healing ourselves enables us to raise our vibration from fear to care, which in turn enables us to stop focusing on the negative and what is wrong with the World.

In the care vibration we can transmute that which is harmful to our Mother by feeling love for all from our heart-chakra.  In this state visualisation enables us to create our optimal version of reality and by speaking what we see we bring it down to the Earth.

Things we can manifest for the benefit of our Mother Earth, humanity, and all of the creatures, plants, minerals, and elements that share it with us may include, but are not limited to:

  • ending corrupt governments and councils by withholding taxes until they stop all wars;
  • putting debt collectors out of business by stopping payments;
  • ending usury by stopping credit card and loan payments;
  • ending the control of humanity through fear;
  • ending the mainstream media and their agendas to create division among ethnic and other specialist groups;
  • empowering the weak, sick, and traumatized;
  • providing clean, mineralized oxygenated primary water for all plants, animals, and humans;
  • ending deforestation by greedy corporations;
  • everyone taking control of their ego;
  • acting from heart-centered care for others;
  • creating more small businesses; and
  • building aesthetically pleasing, functional, and environmentally conscious homes for the homeless.

What have I missed? List your contributions in the comments.

For further informationg go to Shamanic Healing.


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