Are you a Master Manifester?

Manifesting refers to the practice of bringing something into reality through focused thought, intention, and belief. It is often associated with the idea that positive thinking and visualizing desired outcomes can lead to actual changes in a person’s life.

Are you manifesting abundance for all, or is your ego intending to acquire more stuff that you don’t need?  You can do a quick self-check by asking yourself if you are manifesting:

  1. a benefit for mankind;
  2. by following Natural Law; or
  3. by expressing as God would wish.

If your manifesting isn’t in accordance with these three laws, then you may be acting from a place of want rather than need.

Over the past ten years, I have noticed the increasing use of the words ‘manifesting’ and ‘manifestation’ and I have heard people who have spent their money on such teachings boast about what they have achieved.  But I have also noticed that the things these people manifested were quickly taken away; the rich girlfriend left the relationship and the expensive car malfunctioned and the dealership refused to do any repairs.

I have seen the Egotistical Manifester soon get slapped in the face.  I intuitively knew that the universe had conspired to take these toys away because they were manifested from a place of ego.  It wasn’t until I read the first book in the series of Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird J Spalding that this was clarified and I now feel compelled to share this message.

Here is some of the text related to manifestation:

“A short time ago you saw ice formed, without any apparent cause, as you perhaps think of it.  Let me say that that is the same as creating the bread.  I can use the law to obtain ice as well as bread, just as long as I use either as a benefit to mankind, or as long as I am working in living accord with the law, or expressing as God wishes all to express.  It is good for all to make bread, or ice, or any and all things desired, and all must press on the stage at which at which they can do these things.  Can you not see that by using the highest law, the absolute law of God, you may bring forth that which you need or conceive in mind as your highest idea and thus please God more fully by manifesting more fully, knowing as Jesus did that we are perfect Sons of God?

Does not this suggest freedom from commercial bondage as well as all other bondage?  As I see it the commercial bondage will, in a few years, become the greatest bondage of all.  If it goes on at the rate it is now progressing, it will dominate man, soul and body, and it cannot do otherwise than consume itself and those that are interested in it.  There is no question but that the first inception of commercialism was on a high spiritual plane, but materialism was allowed to creep in until the very power used to create is the power that will consume; just as the very power used to create will always consume if not used rightly.  Is not the pressing of commercialism and limitations upon us crowding us on to see that we must come up over, or overcome, these conditions? Is not this done by simply realizing that we are to do the perfect works of god, to raise our consciousness to the Christ Consciousness? Is not this what Jesus taught us here on earth?  Does not His whole life exemplify this?”

Spalding was writing in 1924 about a series of experiences he had with the Great Masters in the Himalayas during a tour of the region in 1894.  The Masters demonstrated their use of ‘the great Law that transcends death’ through a series of ‘miracles’.  Spalding said that he published the books so that people can use their bodies with understanding and in full Masterhood.  The only problem has been that the ‘New Age Movement’ used it from a place of ego which has created a distortion in the way that it is being used in service to self.

The Masters had mastered themselves and were able to control their ego; they were therefore manifesting in service to those around them.  They provided shelter to the group during a storm; they provided bread when provisions ran out; and they ensured they were in the right place at the right time to assist people.  They weren’t driving around in big, new cars or impressing rich women with lavish meals in expensive restaurants, they were serving the people around them by creating abundance based on need not want.  This is the same abundance of fresh water, clean air, fertile land, and nutritious plants that The Creator/God provided us with before the corporations took it and sold it back to us to enrich themselves.

These Isles of Britain were richly abundant after the last ice age, hence the Saxons came here during the migration period to enjoy it and lived peacefully alongside the existing Druids and Celts.  The Roman Empire brought their legal and financial systems and their invented religions of Christianity and Roman Catholicism to Europe and in doing so destroyed the old ways, forcing the people to be tax slaves in their fear-based control system.

It is a system of lack that appeals to the ego creating an insatiable want for more and more causing people to work harder and harder.  As such the majority of the population is acting from a place of arrogance and not humility.  The YouTubers who are claiming to be teaching manifestation and abundance are all operating from a place of ego that in turn also appeals to your ego.  They are not teaching the truth that is in alignment with the Creator/God; it is coming from a place of individual gain and not abundance for all.  In contrast, the Masters quoted by Spalding were working to improve the quality of life for others.

The speaker in the quoted text refers to ‘commercial bondage’ but what does that mean?  I think there are two levels of meaning, one that is superficial and one that goes deeper.

Commercial Bondage is a situation where individuals are constrained by and excessively dependent on commercial or financial systems, relationships, or contracts. It can imply a loss of autonomy or freedom due to financial obligations, business deals, or economic pressures. The term is often used in a metaphorical sense to describe:

  1. Excessive debt or financial obligations: When a person or business is heavily in debt or reliant on loans, they may feel trapped in “commercial bondage” because their financial obligations limit their freedom to make decisions or pursue new opportunities.
  2. Restrictive contracts: In business, commercial bondage can refer to contracts or agreements that are so restrictive that they limit an individual’s ability to operate freely. This could include exclusive deals, unfair terms, or long-term agreements that tie them down.
  3. Dependency on market forces: It could also refer to the over-dependence on certain markets or customers, where a business is bound to specific commercial relationships, making it difficult to break away or adapt to new conditions.

But on a deeper level, it relates to our personal weakness and the resulting inability to control our egos.  This causes us to be controlled by the ego, allowing us to become brainwashed by advertising to the extent that we take out high-interest loans to pay for expensive and unnecessary goods such as jewelry, or designer shoes.  Then when the banks increase interest rates the ego goes into fear of loss.

Commercial bondage, therefore, starts with the ego; an ego that is out of control and is looking at lavish advertisements with desire and greed.  These purchases may provide temporary pleasure, but soon enough we will become dissatisfied with our lot once again.  Corporations know that we enjoy a quick fix of feeling good by buying things and they take advantage of it through advertising to make a profit from our labour.

If we buy on credit we will be working harder, and for longer.  In this way, the system is working off our sweat equity as we act as slaves in a slave system.  Those at the top of the pyramid such as the Chief Executive, Directors, and shareholders pay themselves more and more so they don’t have to work hard or even at all.  In this way, you are a slave to a system that is feeding off your sweat equity.

Manifesting more income to buy from the corporations only feeds the system that keeps everyone enslaved in a prison of fear and want.

Instead, we can manifest in a way that meets our needs for living so that we can avoid spending money with greedy corporations.  This would create a separate realm where we live as God intended – heaven on Earth free of the financial system.

You can reprogram your brain and create a new way of being through Shamanic Healing Distance Sessions to improve your quality of life and develop your creativity.  Rose can teach you to take control of your ego through Wellness Coaching Sessions.

With love and abundance for all.


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